- The future of online base "Real Life" bow hunting -
I started Live4Die4 Bowhunting because of my extreme passion for bowhunting. I live and breath it 365 days a year! Born in Washington D.C. and raised in Maryland I was introduced to hunting at a young age by my Dad. Once I shot my first bow, I was hooked for life. I was taught to shoot a compound bow with no sights and soon became a good shot. So good, that still to this day, I have never hunted with a bow equipped with sights even after 40 years of bow hunting. I was raised "If it's brown it's down" and for years I would shoot the first deer that gave me a good shot. I cut my teeth on my share of spikes, fork horns, and countless does but then the introduction of trail cameras occurred and everything changed for me! I soon found myself passing on small bucks because I knew bigger bucks existed due to trail cam pictures. I then realized that certain bucks had the gift of great genetics and would put on 20-40 inches of antler in just one year! I'm not a biologist but I learned that the age of a deer far out weighs nutrition when it comes to a buck growing mature antlers. What it all boils down to is that Maryland has a great deer herd and big buck potential! They just need to reach the appropriate age. The proof is in the pudding.
As the Live4Die4 Bowhunting channel on YouTube continues to expand, I am offering free editing to hunters who capture their hunt on video and would like to see it posted on the Live4Die4 Bowhunting YouTube Channel for thousands to see! The deer does not have to be a giant! If it's a trophy to you then it's a trophy to me! Hit me up at tfowble2551@comcast.net for more information. Travis Fowble
Each year you will find me tracking, chasing, monitoring, and hunting "Big Heads" all season long. Bow hunting is what kept me out of trouble at a young age. The sport has made me friends with so many fellow hunters across the country. I am proud to say that I can call them friends for life. This is something I will never take for granted.
Hunting with family and friends is what it's all about. Each time I hunt with my Dad it takes me back to when I was a kid and dreaming of seeing deer in the woods, especially a buck! It's something special that is stored in my memory and lives in my heart.
In my opinion, deer hunting is all about perception. Striving to target certain bucks is completely different for each individual hunter based on their experience and expectations of their hunting land. No two properties within the same state will offer the same hunting opportunities based on land quality and hunting pressure. Therefore, no two hunters should ever be compared. Remember it’s not a competition! The only competiveness that should ever occur in the woods is between the hunter and the game they are seeking.
Often I get asked the question of how I identify the same bucks several years in a row. Looking at a buck’s antlers isn’t always reliable because they can change with age and can change dramatically if the deer gets injured or if they damage the pedicle during the velvet growing stage. The easiest way to identify a specific buck is by locating a scar or a cut ear. Cut ears never heal but can be hard to locate after the buck has grown his winter coat. After reviewing and saving literally thousands of trail cam pics over the years, I have discovered that a buck's feet coloration is like a fingerprint on a human. They can be very different. What I have discovered is that deer grow different hair patterns on their feet. The pattern of white hair, or lack thereof, is very distinctive on a deer's foot and usually occurs between the hooves. This is a characteristic that does not change throughout a deer's life. This is the main tool I use to identify and more accurately age bucks. Try it, it works!!
"Snot" 2013. Tracked by the white hair pattern on his snout.
For 4 years I was teamed up with Team200 TV on the Sportsman Channel and The Pursuit Channel. I represented Maryland and hunted whitetails and Sika deer (wild herd) on all my episodes with tremendous success. Moving forward, my goal is to have an online hunting show that is based in Maryland, represents your typical bow hunter, and promotes quality deer management practices. Most hunting shows take place in the Midwest where hunters are hunting huge parcels of land that serve as a whitetail paradise and that is simply not a reality for most hunters. I hunt below average land with Midwest results. I want Live4Die4 Bowhunting to appeal to the typical hunter, to be educational, and to promote bow hunting.
If you share my passion and would like to partner with Live4Die4 Bowhunting, then please contact Travis Fowble via the link below. Experience and professionalism is what you should expect and what you will receive.
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